Here you will find all available materials, publications and event documentation from the various organisations involved in KomPAD. For further information on the organisations, please visit the respective websites and social media profiles.


KomPAD . ONLINE FOR DOWNLOAD: Preview of Afrozensus – English Edition

Dear Community,

We are thrilled to announce that as of today you can download a preview of the english version of the Afrozensus – English Edition. The Afrozensus highlightes the experiences of the African diaspora in Germany and not only reveals the realities faced by the African diaspora in Germany but also ignites transnational conversations on anti-Black racism and equity data collection.

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Lernen Sie die zwei Netzwerkpartner*innen ISD, EOTO des KomPAD kennen. Zusammen bilden wir einen wichtigen Teil der Heterogenität der Schwarzen, afrikanischen, afrodiasporischen Communities in Deutschland ab.