Empowerment of African and Afrodiasporic Communities in Dresden

In cooperation with the Black People’ s Education Center (SVHS), the Central Council of the African Community in Germany e.V. (ZAGD) invites you to the empowerment training on the topic:
“Empowerment of African and Afrodiasporic Communities:
Dealing with and exchanging experiences on Anti-Black Racism” in Dresden.
Competence Network on Anti-Black Racism (KomPAD) in Nuremberg

On Saturday, 26.03.2022, our first event for the year 2022 took place in Nuremberg within the framework of the Competence Network on Anti-Black Racism (KomPAD), which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth as part of the federal program “Democracy Live!”.
Competence NETWORK on Anti-Black Racism Launch Event

On February 24, the launch of the ” Competence NETWORK on Anti-Black Racism”, short KomPAD, took place.
After the keynotes by Prof. Maisha Auma and a video message by parliament member Armand Zorn, we introduced the individual network partners.