KomPAD . LIVE: »Revealing Realities: Afrozensus – English Edition Launch«

Dear Community,
We are thrilled to announce that as of today you can download the
english version of the Afrozensus – English Edition. The Afrozensus highlightes the experiences of the African diaspora in Germany and not only reveals the realities faced by the African diaspora in Germany but also ignites transnational conversations on anti-Black racism and equity data collection.
Empowerment of African and Afrodiasporic Communities in Dresden

In cooperation with the Black People’ s Education Center (SVHS), the Central Council of the African Community in Germany e.V. (ZAGD) invites you to the empowerment training on the topic:
“Empowerment of African and Afrodiasporic Communities:
Dealing with and exchanging experiences on Anti-Black Racism” in Dresden.
Competence Network on Anti-Black Racism (KomPAD) in Nuremberg

On Saturday, 26.03.2022, our first event for the year 2022 took place in Nuremberg within the framework of the Competence Network on Anti-Black Racism (KomPAD), which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth as part of the federal program “Democracy Live!”.
Competence NETWORK on Anti-Black Racism Launch Event

On February 24, the launch of the ” Competence NETWORK on Anti-Black Racism”, short KomPAD, took place.
After the keynotes by Prof. Maisha Auma and a video message by parliament member Armand Zorn, we introduced the individual network partners.